Current Projects
We work in diverse areas of the development sector. Our research engagements and projects reflect our primary goal to influence and impact policy, with a view to ensuring equitable and sustainable development.
Water Atlas
The Water Atlas is a comprehensive publication outlining the water resources of Andhra Pradesh spearheaded by our senior advisor Dr. Anne. This publication has been entirely the work of a multi-disciplinary team comprising of irrigation engineers, remote sensing experts, farmers, institutional specialists, research organisations, NGOs and administrators. The authors and the team worked together in the Irrigation Department of the Government of Andhra Pradesh for varying periods between 2004 and 2010. The Irrigation Department has been collecting various types of data relating to the availability of water and its usage. It was considered necessary to compile the entire information at one place and also establish a dedicated unit to regularly update the data and analyse these, so informed decisions could be made by various users inside and outside the Irrigation Department. Therefore, a Geographical Management Information System (GMIS) Cell was established in the Irrigation Department under the Commissioner, Command Area Development.
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Growth Strategy of Andhra Pradesh
The Government of Andhra Pradesh, post-bifurcation of the state, formulated a vision document for the state- the Sunrise Andhra Pradesh Vision 2029 which envisioned transforming Andhra Pradesh into a "Happy, Inclusive, Responsible, Globally competitive and to become one amongst the three best states in India by 2022 and a leading global investment destination by 2050". The Vision 1.0 program phase (2015‐19) was premised on endowing all citizens with their basic rights and saturating access to basic amenities and public services to immediately advance their standard of living, well‐being and happiness. Additionally, actions focusing on transforming the state into a globally competitive economy and society were simultaneously to be initiated. After the passage of the five years of the Vision 1.0 program period, the current paper carries out a review of vision implementation during this period and makes an assessment of the performance and results achieved under the Economic Transformation Program.
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Happiness Index of Andhra Pradesh
The Happiness Index is a comprehensive assessment of the state's level of Happiness. At the time of formulation of the vision of the state, the state of Andhra Pradesh, recognized that enunciating social and human development through the use of HDI encompassed only a limited aspect of social and human development primarily in terms of health, education and income. The state decided to carry out an assessment of the happiness levels of the state and then define the social and human development goals, vision and target of the state in terms of happiness. The following document is a comprehensive document on the Happiness levels of the state authored by our Senior Fellow and advisor Mr. Rahul Sen
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Advocacy Brief on Nutrition
In the states of Andhra Pradesh, Telangana and Karnataka <60% children receive breastfeed within an hour of birth and only around half of these children receive exclusive breastfeeding till 6 months. Only around 55% children aged 6-8 months, receive complementary feeding on completion of 6 months. And <10% children are reported to receive adequate complementary feeding in these three states. Recognizing the nutrition problems of these children, the following brief is prepared based on the existing technical guidance for IYCF practices in context of COVID-19 and is a joint publication by 12 agencies. Dr. Vijay Kumar from PLF was part of the team in preparing this publication.
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Empower Adolescents and end Child Marriages-Strategic Action Plan for Eliminating Child Marriages in states of AP and Telangana
The study seeks to provide a Strategic Action Plan for the elimination of Child Marriages in the states of AP and Telangana by providing evidence-based policy suggestions. The study is focussed on addressing the drivers and suggesting suitable action points for the state governments to plan and implement. This study focusses majorly on the key indicators of Survival, Health and Nutrition, Education and Development, Protection and Participation of the girl child. The study is ongoing and expected to be completed by June 2020.
The situation of child brides in the states of AP and Telangana
The study explores the situation and the impact of Child Marriage on the Child Brides. Conducted in 6 districts of Telangana and 3 districts of Andhra Pradesh a "Qualitative Dominant Mixed Methodology Research" methodology was used and provides policy recommendations. This exploratory study undertaken by PLF reflects on:
- Prevalence and status of child marriages
- Provisions for institutional and legal support extended to victims of child marriages
- Socio-economic, psychological and health related impact of child marriages on child brides.
The study also narrates the aspirations the child brides have about their future and concludes by making recommendations that have policy implications.
Accessibility of Job Oriented Vocational Training among Young Women in states of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana
The study aims to analyze the Job Oriented Vocational Trainings from the perspective of young women in states of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana with the aim to foster knowledge sharing and identify action areas towards furthering the skilling agenda for young women.The findings of the study will be used for supporting the state governments and key stakeholder groups to translate evidence into policy responses for including measures for pro-women JOVT.